Clinical Trial

Clinical trials are research which are conducted under the aegis of senior doctors / oncologists  to find new ways to improve treatments and the quality of life for people with certain diseases. The various areas of clinical trial are in the diagnosis ,treatment of cancer, prevention and management of adverse effects of cancer treatment.

They are the final step in a long process that begins with research in a lab. ,

There are various stages of clinical trials , phase I,II,III and IV . Generally the trials are conducted for new drugs and at times for post marketing surveillance. Clinical trials can be used by all stages of cancer and its not true that only patients of advanced stage should only go for clinical trial.

There are various sites when you can look for clinical trials pertaining to the type of cancer that your loved one has..

  1. Find NCI-Supported Clinical Trials

Most of the major pharmaceutical companies have drugs in pipeline for which they have ongoing clinical trials . These above sites can be used for finding trials pertaining to. The type and stage of cancer.


Advancing medical frontiers through groundbreaking clinical trials.

Pioneering treatments and hope through innovative research.

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Mr. Oncofix
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